What Plant Do Aphids Hate? Let’s Give Aphids a Bad Thyme!

I’ve had my fair share of battles with aphids. These tiny, soft-bodied insects, no bigger than a pinhead, can wreak havoc in a garden. They suck the sap out of plants, causing them to wilt and die. Aphids don’t live long, but they can cause havoc in a garden in a short amount of time. Aphids also produce a sweet substance called honeydew, which can lead to the growth of sooty mold, further damaging your plants. But don’t despair! Over the years, I’ve discovered a secret weapon in the fight against aphids – plants. Yes, you heard that right. Certain plants naturally repel aphids, making them a gardener’s best friend.

Aphids have a particular dislike for certain plants due to their strong scents or unpalatable sap. These include garlic, chives, leeks, marigolds, catnip, fennel, dill, and cilantro. These plants emit scents or contain compounds that aphids find repulsive, making them effective natural deterrents. By incorporating these plants into your garden, you can create a hostile environment for aphids, helping to protect your other plants from these destructive pests.

checking underside of leaf for aphids

Pro Tip: Companion planting is a natural and effective way to protect your garden from pests. It’s all about choosing plants that support each other’s growth and repel harmful insects.

So, if you’re tired of aphids feasting on your beloved plants, stick around. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of plants that aphids dislike and how you can use them to keep your garden aphid-free. Let’s give aphids a bad thyme!

Understanding Aphids

Aphids, my friends, are the bane of many a gardener’s existence, including mine. These tiny insects, often green or black, have a knack for showing up uninvited in our gardens. They’re like the uninvited guests at a party who eat all the food and leave a mess behind. But what exactly are aphids, and why are they so harmful to plants?

Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap. They usually congregate on the undersides of leaves or on young shoots, sucking the life out of your plants. Over time, this can cause leaves to yellow and curl, stunt plant growth, and even lead to plant death.

Handy Hint: Aphids also excrete a sweet substance called honeydew, which can attract other pests and lead to the growth of sooty mold.

Now, you might be wondering, “What are aphids afraid of?” Well, aphids have natural enemies, like ladybugs and lacewings. But they also have an aversion to certain plants, which emit scents or contain compounds that aphids find repelling. And that’s where our plant allies come in.

Plants That Aphids Hate

Now, let’s delve into the heart of the matter – the plants that aphids hate. These plants are our allies in the battle against aphids, and understanding them is key to maintaining a healthy, aphid-free garden. So, let’s get started!


Garlic is a powerhouse when it comes to repelling aphids. The strong smell of garlic is one that aphids hate. In my own garden, I’ve seen how effective garlic can be in keeping these pesky insects at bay. Planting garlic among your other plants can help deter aphids and protect your garden.

Chives and Leeks

Chives and leeks, members of the allium family, are also known to repel aphids. Their strong scent is a deterrent for aphids. I’ve found that interspersing chives and leeks among my other plants not only adds a pop of color but also helps keep aphids away.

planting chives in the garden


Do marigolds keep aphids away? Absolutely! Marigolds are a gardener’s best friend. Their vibrant colors and strong scent make them unattractive to aphids. Plus, they add a splash of color to your garden. It’s a win-win!

Pro Tip: Marigolds also attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which are natural predators of aphids.


Catnip isn’t just for cats. It’s also a great deterrent for aphids. The strong scent of catnip is something that aphids find repelling. Plus, it’s always fun to see neighborhood cats frolicking in your garden!

Fennel, Dill, and Cilantro

Fennel, dill, and cilantro are fragrant herbs that aphids dislike. Their strong scents act as a natural deterrent for aphids. In my own herb garden, I’ve seen how effective these herbs can be in keeping aphids away.


Does mint repel aphids? Yes, it does! Mint contains volatile oils that can help repel aphids. It also attracts beneficial insects and can be used to confuse insects such as aphids. Planting mint in your garden can help keep aphids at bay.


Does sage repel aphids? Indeed, it does! Sage, with its strong aroma, is another herb that aphids find unappealing. I’ve found that planting sage in my garden not only adds a lovely scent but also helps deter aphids.


Do aphids like lavender? Not at all! Lavender, with its beautiful purple flowers and calming scent, is a plant that aphids dislike. Plus, it’s a great addition to any garden.


Does basil repel aphids? Yes, it does! Basil, with its strong and distinctive scent, is not a favorite of aphids. Planting basil in your garden can help keep aphids away.

Handy Hint: Basil is also a great companion plant for tomatoes, as it helps to improve their flavor.

So, what is the best deterrent for aphids? In my experience, a combination of these plants can help create an aphid-free garden. By understanding what smell aphids hate and using plants that repel them, you can protect your garden and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables and flowers) of your labor.

Plants That Attract Aphids

While we’ve talked about plants that repel aphids, it’s also important to understand the plants that attract aphids. Yes, you read that right. There are certain plants that aphids are drawn to, and knowing what these are can help you better plan your garden.

a rose bush


Roses, with their beautiful blooms and fragrant scent, are a favorite of many gardeners, including myself. However, they are also a favorite of aphids. Aphids are attracted to the tender, juicy stems and buds of roses. In my own garden, I’ve had to deal with aphids on my roses, and it’s always a battle to keep them at bay.

Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are another favorite of aphids. Aphids are drawn to the sweet sap of fruit trees. I’ve had to deal with aphid infestations on my apple and peach trees in the past. It’s always a challenge, but understanding their attraction to these trees helps in managing them.

Pro Tip: If you have roses or fruit trees in your garden, consider planting some of the aphid-repelling plants we discussed earlier around them to help deter aphids.

So, what plant do aphids like most? It’s hard to say, as it can vary depending on the species of aphid and the specific conditions in your garden. However, roses and fruit trees are definitely high on their hit list. By understanding the plants that attract aphids, you can take steps to protect your garden and keep it aphid-free.🌹

Practical Tips for Using Aphid-Repelling Plants

Now that we’ve discussed the various plants that can help get rid of aphids, let’s dive into some practical tips on how to plant and care for these aphid-repelling plants. These tips are based on my own experiences in my garden, and I hope they will be helpful to you as well.

Choosing the Right Plants

First and foremost, it’s important to choose the right plants. As we’ve discussed, certain plants like garlic, chives, marigolds, and others are known to repel aphids. Consider incorporating these plants into your garden. For example, if you’re wondering what to plant with roses to deter aphids, consider planting garlic or chives nearby.

Plant Placement

Where you plant these aphid-repelling plants can also make a difference. Plant them near your roses, fruit trees, and other plants that tend to attract aphids. This can help deter aphids and protect your other plants.

Care and Maintenance

Just like any other plants, these aphid-repelling plants need proper care and maintenance. Make sure they get enough sunlight and water, and keep an eye out for any signs of disease or pests.

Handy Hint: Some aphid-repelling plants, like marigolds and catnip, are also great at repelling other pests, like spider mites. So, if you’re looking for plants that repel aphids and spider mites, these are great options.

Remember, using aphid-repelling plants is just one part of a comprehensive pest management strategy. It’s also important to monitor your garden regularly, remove any aphids you see, and consider other pest control methods if necessary. With the right approach, you can keep your garden healthy and aphid-free.

spraying plants with a soap solution

Common Questions About Aphids and Plants

In my years of gardening, I’ve come across many questions about aphids and plants. Let’s address some of the most common ones:

Does lavender repel aphids?

Yes, lavender can help repel aphids. Its strong scent can deter many pests, including aphids. Plus, it’s a beautiful addition to any garden!

Does basil keep aphids away?

Basil, with its strong aroma, can indeed deter aphids. It’s also a great companion plant for many vegetables, making it a great choice for your garden.

Do banana peels really work for killing aphids?

While some gardeners swear by this method, there’s no scientific evidence to support it. Banana peels may deter aphids due to their strong smell, but they’re not a guaranteed solution.

Why do bugs hate lavender?

Many bugs, including aphids, dislike the strong scent of lavender. It can confuse their sense of smell, making it harder for them to find their preferred plants.

Pro Tip: Remember, while these plants can help deter aphids, they’re not a substitute for good gardening practices. Regularly check your plants for pests, provide proper care, and consider other pest control methods if necessary.

I hope this answers some of your burning questions about aphids and plants. Happy gardening!


We’ve journeyed through the world of aphids and discovered how certain plants can be our allies in keeping these pesky insects at bay. From the strong scents of garlic and chives to the vibrant marigolds and soothing lavender, these plants offer a natural way to deter aphids.

Remember, it’s not just about repelling aphids, but also about creating a balanced ecosystem in your garden. So, why not give these plants a try? Not only will they add beauty to your garden, but they’ll also help protect it from aphids.

Happy gardening, and remember, every plant has its purpose!

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