Companion Plants for Garlic and Onions

Companion planting involves pairing certain plants together for mutual benefit. In this post, we’ll be looking specifically at companion plants for garlic and onions, and we’ll look at some unexpected pairings like garlic with strawberries and tomatoes.

Companion planting is a beneficial practice for enhancing the growth of your garlic and onions. For garlic, some of the best companion plants include tomatoes, carrots, and chamomile, which can deter pests and improve garlic’s flavor. On the other hand, onions pair well with carrots, lettuce, and beets, which can also help deter pests and promote healthy growth. By planting these companions together, you can boost the yield and overall health of your garden.

garlic and onion in a cane basket

Garlic Companion Plants

I’ve found that some plants just seem to thrive when planted next to garlic. These include vegetables like carrots and beets, herbs such as chamomile and dill, and even fruit trees. These plants benefit from garlic’s natural pest-repelling properties, keeping harmful bugs at bay.

πŸ§„ Allium Advice: Planting garlic near roses can help deter aphids, a common pest for these beautiful blooms. πŸ§„

On the other hand, some plants don’t play nice with garlic. For instance, peas and beans tend to struggle when planted near garlic. It’s believed that garlic stunts the growth of these legumes, so it’s best to keep them separated in your garden.

Handy Hint: Rotate your crops each year to prevent soil depletion and keep your garden healthy.

garlic and roses togerther

Onion Companion Plants

Onions, with their pungent aroma and flavor, are a staple in many kitchens, and they can also play a significant role in your garden’s ecosystem. In this section, we’ll discuss the best companion plants for onions and also touch on what not to plant with onions.

When it comes to companion planting, onions are quite sociable. They get along well with many plants, including carrots, beets, and cabbage. However, there are also some plants that onions would rather not share soil with.

I’ve found that onions and carrots are a match made in heaven. The strong scent of onions helps deter carrot flies, while carrots ward off onion flies.

πŸ§„ Allium Advice: Planting onions in alternating rows with carrots can help maximize this pest-repelling effect. πŸ§„

garlic and carrot together in the garden

Here are some other plants that make great companions for onions:

  • Beets: Onions deter pests that can harm beets, while beets’ leafy tops provide a bit of shade for onions.
  • Cabbage: Onions help deter cabbage worms, a common pest for cabbage plants.
  • Tomatoes: Onions can help protect tomatoes from red spider mites.

However, not all plants appreciate the company of onions. For instance, beans and peas don’t fare well when planted near onions. Just like garlic, onions stunt the growth of legumes, so it’s best to keep them apart in your garden.

πŸ§„ Allium Advice: Just as with garlic, rotating your crops each year can help keep your soil healthy and prevent pest infestations. πŸ§„

Can You Plant Garlic and Onions Together?

Onions and garlic are both members of the Allium family, as such, they are natural companions. These two plants are quite compatible in the garden, with each offering benefits that can help the other thrive. However, as with any gardening practice, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

Planting garlic and onions together can be a space-saving strategy. Both plants have similar sunlight and watering needs, which makes them easy to care for when planted together. Plus, their strong scents can help deter pests, providing a natural form of pest control.

πŸ§„ Allium Advice: Plant garlic and onions in alternating rows to maximize their pest-repelling benefits. πŸ§„

However, it’s important to remember that there are some bad companion plants for garlic and onions. For instance, peas and beans tend not to do well when planted near them. The same goes for asparagus and sage.

If you’re short on garden space, you might consider growing onions and garlic in containers. This can be a great way to enjoy these plants even if you don’t have a traditional garden. Just make sure to choose containers that are deep enough to accommodate the plants’ root systems and have adequate drainage.

white onion flower
Photo by Sandy Andreopoulos

Can Garlic and Strawberries Grow Together?

At first glance, garlic and strawberries might seem like an unlikely duo. After all, one is a pungent bulb and the other a sweet fruit. However, in the world of gardening, unexpected pairings can sometimes yield surprising benefits.

Garlic’s strong scent can help deter pests that often plague strawberries, while strawberries’ ground-covering growth can help suppress weeds that might compete with garlic. However, as with any plant pairing, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

I’ve found that planting garlic near my strawberry patch helps keep pests like aphids and spider mites at bay. The strong scent of garlic seems to confuse these pests, making it harder for them to find the strawberries.

πŸ§„ Allium Advice: Plant garlic around the perimeter of your strawberry patch for a natural pest deterrent. πŸ§„

However, it’s important to note that there are also some bad companion plants for strawberries. For instance, cabbages and strawberries are not a good mix as they tend to compete for nutrients. Similarly, strawberries don’t do well when planted near potatoes.

garlic and strawberry together

Can You Plant Garlic with Tomatoes?

Garlic and tomatoes are often cooked together in the kitchen, and they are equally compatible in the garden. Garlic can help deter several common tomato pests, while tomatoes’ taller growth can provide a bit of shade for the garlic. However, as always, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

Planting garlic near my tomato plants helps keep pests like aphids and spider mites at bay. The strong scent of garlic seems to deter these pests, protecting the tomatoes.

πŸ§„ Allium Advice: Plant garlic in a ring around your tomato plants for a natural pest deterrent. πŸ§„

There are also some other tomato companion plants you might want to consider. Basil, for instance, is a classic companion for tomatoes, both in the garden and in the kitchen. Marigolds are another good choice, as their bright flowers can attract beneficial insects.

On the other hand, there are some plants that it’s recommended that you don’t plant garlic next to. As we’ve discussed earlier, peas and beans tend to struggle when planted near garlic.

garlic and tomato together on a chopping board

In conclusion…

Garlic and onion both pair well with tomatoes, carrots, strawberries, and chamomile, while onions thrive alongside carrots, lettuce, and beets.

These companion plants can deter pests, stimulate growth, and even enhance flavor, contributing to a healthier and more productive garden.

You should, however, avoid planting any Alliums too close to beans, peas, asparagus and sage.

With a bit of planning, you can deter pests naturally, and create a more harmonious garden. Companion planting offers a wealth of benefits.

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